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德国IFA 2023即将开幕!清听声学定向扬声器聚音屏邀您共赴盛会!

日期:2023-08-21 15:50:56 发布者:本站

  第99届德国柏林国际消费类电子及家用电器展览会(简称IFA),将于2023年9月3日-5日在德国柏林会展中心隆重举办。IFA始办于1924年,是全球电子消费品生产商和贸易商展示新产品和进行商贸及技术交流的盛会,是欧洲批发商、采购商及家电零售业交流和采购的重要平台,是迄今世界上影响力最大的消费电子及家电博览会。近 100 年来,IFA 一直走在创新的前沿,展示来自世界各地的最新产品和创新。

  The 99thInternationale Funkausstellung Berlin(IFA), will be held from September 3 to 5, 2023, at the Berlin Exhibition Center in Germany. Founded in 1924, IFA is a grand event for global consumer electronics manufacturers and traders to display new products and conduct business and technical exchanges. It is an important platform for European wholesalers, buyers and home appliance retailers to exchange procurement, and is the world's most influential consumer electronics and home appliance expo. For nearly 100 years, IFA has been at the forefront of innovation, showcasing the latest products and innovations from around the world.


  Audfly as a global leader in sound control solutions, will display its own brand Focusound series products and innovative application solutions at this exhibition, covering many application fields such as business office, home entertainment, intelligent vehicle, display integration, etc.



  As a leading enterprise in domestic acoustic innovation technology, Audfly focuses on the research and development and application of acoustic innovation technology, and is committed to integrating innovative acoustic technology with industry needs. In the field of directional sound technology has a leading innovation advantage, the first to complete the product and commercialization of directional sound technology in China, is the inventor and global patent owner of Focusound.



  Focusound is an innovative fusion of display and audio technology, but also a disruptive change in human-computer interaction, achieving a zero breakthrough. Beforethisexhibition, Focusound with outstanding original design and interactive experience, won the 2023 iF Design Award, RedDot Award and International Design Excellence Awards, and exceeded the crowdfunding target on the US kickstarter platform, which strongly set off a wave of international attention.


  We take this opportunity to sincerely invite colleagues from around the world to exchange ideas,explore the trends of high-techinnovation and discuss new opportunities for cooperation.



  德国IFA 2023

  日期: 2023年9月3日-5日

  Date: September 3rd-5th, 2023

  地点: 德国柏林会展中心

  Location: Berlin Exhibition Center, Germany

  展位: H17-354

  Booth: H17-354



  Continuous flow of science and technology, innovation to enable the future. Audfly is looking forward to meeting you at IFA Berlin, Germany, for a wonderful event!

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